Saturday, March 16, 2013

Social Networking on Education... As the other modern technologies we have studied so far, social networking embrace a modern and funny way to keep touch with people that is even overseas as if they are in from of us. Moreover, it allows enhance academic and human environment because of the features to create a space aimed to complement what it is established in the curriculum. Here three ideas to use Facebook in classroom: 1. Second Language Acquisition. A teacher can create a page to post poems, songs, interviews and links so student can “listen” the language they are learning. They can manipulate materials as repeat them or copy or whatever they consider necessary to help them with the full understanding. Also, they can share opinion by posting comments, questions and suggestions using “translanguaging” that researches demonstrate that this helps to learn a second language. 2. Lesson plans. For some lesson plans, this tool can helps teacher to share and encourage students to an active participation. For instance, a history class where teacher wants to emphasize the current impact of a historic event so she can post some news, interviews or any other material and ask to student to make a research and post their findings in their class’ facebook page. 3. Parent involvement. Actually, it help to involve parents into the curriculum enactment of classroom or, as a way to parent can monitor what their children are doing in class including grades, notes, or any other important information so they do not have to go physically to school. Facebook is not the only social networking tool that could be useful, there are many available. However, it is free, easy to learn and manage, easy to control as a matter of privacy and it is an application that is in almost all the mobile devices, so everyone can have it on-the-go.

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